Monday 1 April 2013

Aprils Fools Day.

Hey guys. You all know what day it is. Yes, the day you wait for all year. The day when you can prank your parents.

If you haven't already pranked someone, then here's a few pictures to get you in the mood.

I hope that whoever you prank,has a face like this in the end. xD

If you have pranked anyone, then tell me who and what you did in the comments.


Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy easter!

Hey guys! Happy easter to you all and I hope you got lots of chocolate eggs.

And, I also 're-vamped' the blog for Easter, Hope you enjoy!!!!

Love Youh! xx

Saturday 30 March 2013

Originality - Part two (and some randomized pics)

Okay guys, so I found some original looking people so here they are. x

Now back to Agent Cody Banks. WHO MADE HIM DO THIS?!

Argh! Kat's disappeared!

Now for our random pics. x
Me and Kat decided to have a war. I think she won. Her gun actually blasted me.

Delicious! Turkey anyone? x x'D

That red thing in my face was some girl who decided to start flying and get in the way. >.<

I have scary eyes and a knife. Mwahaha. Yes, Kat, be scared.

Me, Kat and Caitlin in Kat's room.

Kat and Caitlin. Kat has butterfly wings!

Cody, me and Caitlin in my room. We couldn't all say BVB at the same time. x x'D

Well thats it.

Friday 29 March 2013

Quitters and beggars. A hacker and blackmailers.

Okay guys, this is about the amount of people quitting and begging and stuff. I'll start with the quitters.

This is Looms; he says he's gonna quit. Why should he? He's VIP, a Judge, a celeb and level 12. If he quits all his hard work will be for nothing and he will have wasted his money as well.

I wonder why he came to that decision? Bullying probably.

 This is Pinky Rinkie; she's a level 7, had loads of clothes and a pet. If she quits due to cyberbullying and blackmailing, all her hard work and creativity will be for nothing.

 We all know Agent Cody Banks. I know he's gotten a lot of bad publicity. But, I asked him if it was all true and he said it wasn't true. I believe him since he felt upset about it all. And look at his status. He might say he's no quitting but if people are doing what he says in his status - he'll break down and end up deleting himself. So much money and hard work wasted.

This is the person I most care about (apart from Nick). I don't want Zanna to quit. She's like my bestie. We even have nicknames for each other, I'm the Sass Master and she's Nemo.

We're RP buddies. I couldn't live without her. So please message her NICELY.

Now for the people who beg. I only found a few. Which is GOOD!

I find this one very low. If we send her 2 things on her wishlist which costs us money. We get chatting in return. That's isn't fair. At All.

Begging for gifts are the worst since they cost us our hard earned sc. If you want something, then you do what the rest of us do. Watch movies and earn the sc.


This isn't the hacker but you shouldn't talk to her in case this account is still possessed by the hacker. She might trick you like she tricked Malee.

Now for the blackmailers. ^o^

Cool Lola thinks just because she is busy making a new movie series that we should not disturb her or we get deleted. 'Harsh but fair'? No, its not fair but its certainly harsh. If I were you and you were her friend, I'd delete her to show her how it feels.

Kristy15 thinks that its okay to delete people who aren't high enough level. You shouldn't do that. Don't judge people by their levels. You should judge them for their personalities.

GoldNKid thinks its okay to call us 'Useless Friends'. Well, its not okay. Some people may get upset by that or offended. Well, I say, go ahead DELETE ME. You never actually helped me, so why should I help you?

So, thats about it guys. Please, see what friends you have that are like that and make their blackmail back fire!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Shout-out to Sabrina

Okay, this is kinda a favour for Sabrina Christina Gheorghe2003.

She wanted me to put her blog banner up on my blog, so I said yes.

Well, here it is:

To be honest, I think it's quite cool and would like to have a blog banner myself but I just don't know how to.

Peace. xx

Tuesday 26 March 2013


 Okay guys, I want to tell you something. People aren't being original. They're copying off peoples looks and having the same faces and stuff. Whats wrong with being a bit different? To prove you can look different and still look great at the same time, I made some looks and faces which I will now show you.

Okay, this is look one. It has pink skin, the freckled nose and an awesome shade of blue for the eyes. Since the skin is pink, I thought a nice red would match nicely. See? Its unusual but still works.

Here is look 2. It has pale white skin and perfectly black eyes. Again, red lips but its a darker shade. No freckles either. But being pale isn't a bad thing. I have seen people with pale white skin (mostly goths) and I even have pale white skin on my main account with pink lips.

This is look 3 and has pinkish skin with a freckled nose, starry pink eyes and purple lips. Its all about colour coordination. You don't see that often.

This is look 4 and is probably the strangest and most unique look I've ever seen. If you've ever watched Smurfs and loved the movie, then this is the look for you. It's almost as if you're a smurfette yourself! Living the dream!

This is the final look and it looks awesome! I wish I could buy it! Black, black and pale white.

Now for the outfits I created. To be unique in outfits, you can pretty much throw anything together.

This is look 1. I'm sorry that its went sideways but that can't be helped. This is for the girlie girls who like rainbows and smilies.

This is look 2 and for the not so girlie girls. Or if you are girlie, you could use this outfit for Halloween.

This is the final look which is for those manga maniacs.

All of these looks and faces are not owned by me or anyone. I have not copied off them. So feel free to buy any of them. One last thing is that I'm on the Irish MSP now. My username is Malise, so feel free to add me on there.

Thats just about it.
Bye guys. x

Sunday 17 March 2013


Hey guys. I have had a slight 'issue' with two people on MSP. Naturally. So the girl's sister is saying stuff like this.

I have done nothing nasty to her sister. Her sister was the one who went onto my account and sent herself two gifts out of my money. Here is my proof for that:
(click to enlarge)

If you look at the dates on the first two gifts, I wasn't even online then. I just came back on  the 16th late at night.  So I could have possibly sent her those gifts.

 Here is our conversation over the gifts. Her sister thinks I was lying, and here is my proof

Saturday 16 March 2013

I'm back and better than ever!

Okay, so some people have heard that  I have made a come back to MSP. And yes, it is true. :D But my VIP has ran out so I'll get that fixed soon.

Saturday 8 December 2012


Uhhhkay.... I got a request from someone on IMVU to share my drawings... so I will... Please no hate comments. So here you go...

Gargoyle. ^~^

Cyclops. ^o^

Sunday 11 November 2012

♥ Remembrance day. ♥

Here's a song for Remembrance day. ♥♥♥