Saturday 30 March 2013

Originality - Part two (and some randomized pics)

Okay guys, so I found some original looking people so here they are. x

Now back to Agent Cody Banks. WHO MADE HIM DO THIS?!

Argh! Kat's disappeared!

Now for our random pics. x
Me and Kat decided to have a war. I think she won. Her gun actually blasted me.

Delicious! Turkey anyone? x x'D

That red thing in my face was some girl who decided to start flying and get in the way. >.<

I have scary eyes and a knife. Mwahaha. Yes, Kat, be scared.

Me, Kat and Caitlin in Kat's room.

Kat and Caitlin. Kat has butterfly wings!

Cody, me and Caitlin in my room. We couldn't all say BVB at the same time. x x'D

Well thats it.