I get a few questions asked and here is the answer to them.
What does Y.O.L.O mean?
You Only Live Once.
How do oyu do those little symbols?
Press alt and a number from the numeric number pad on the left of your keyboard not the ones at the top.
Woah your movies are great where do you get your ideas from?
It's easy they pop into my head!
Also today I was bored so I drew a picture of a random girl and I'm going to let you see it.
I don't know if it's really that good but if you have a opinon on it please say so in the comment's or if you can't mail me on MSP.
Tomorrow I'll upoad a piture of a convo with Millie3214, I found it really annoying waht she said to me.
And the last thing is help MissM to lv23! I think she really deseveres to be a lv23. Sh'es worked so
hard and have loads of, an awesome blog and should be rewarded.
Malise140 xx